Kempsey West Public School

Creating a child focussed centre of excellence

Telephone02 6562 7044


English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Students learn about the English language through written, spoken and visual texts of increasing complexity as they progress through their schooling.

An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.

The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.

Many resources linked from Scootle website- activities to achieve specific outcomes for each year.

English- from SchoolA-Z website, lots of useful resources, tips, sheets to print out, videos to watch. All designed to help with Literacy.

Study ladder- online resources and activities

ABC Splash website has many different resources for English, organised by year and as topics, videos, games etc

BBC website with many Literacy resources for Kinder, Infants  and Primary students

Many Literacy activities can be found on the Everyschool website- examples on front page, use menu at left to select appropriate stage and subject

Persuasive texts:

Persuasive texts from ReadWriteThink website- includes interactive persuasion map which is completed step by step to map out an argument

Online stories and story creation websites:

Myths from around the world- Scholastic website

Myths, Folktales and Legends from E2BN- online traditional tales

Tinga Tinga Tales- traditional tales from Africa- about animals, has online animated stories and games

My StoryMaker, from Carnegie Library, has prompts to help with writing stories

Storybird is a website where stories can be created using collections of illustrations by different artists

online stories for IWBs- from CLI Sites2See

Storyline online- famous actors from Screen Actors Guild reading children's books aloud

Oxford Owl- free e-books, also Literacy and maths resources

Global words- website from PETA integrating English with global citizenship education, units of work


Interactive poetry activities, from ReadWriteThink

Gigglepoetry- funny poems and activities

Poetry links from ReadWriteThink

The Highwayman- from Teachersfirst website, interactive

Poetry Ideas Engine- interactive activity from Scholastic

Literacy unit- The Sea

Under the Sea- resources from Sparklebox

There's a Sea in My Bedroom- video of picture book, on Scootle (log in with DET icon and password)

Sentence builder Ocean Tool- interactive activity from Scootle

Sentence builder Ocean 1- interactive activity, Scootle

Sentence builder- Ocean 2- another interactive activity from Scootle

Under the Sea teaching resources from

Life under the Sea- resources from Scholastic

Is it a fish? interactive activity on Scootle

Resources about the ocean and sea creatures, from Enchanted Learning

Coral reef resources- ABC teach

Ocean resources from Kidcyber


(updated 15/01/16)