As well as resources on main HSIE page, other resources are:
Healthy Choices:
BBC bitesize resources- many activities, video clips etc about health and wellbeing
Healthy Eating- with interactive activities about a balanced diet from Crickweb site.
The Story of Milk - gives a virtual tour to show the process of milk production.Also teacher's resources
Health Star- Healthy Harold website with interactive activities, from Life Education Australia
Health and growth- looking at what is needed for a healthy life, needs and wants
Make a healthy lunchbox- choose the bread, filling, fruit etc, interactive activity to make lunch
Unmuddle the meals- sort into the correct food groups, interactive activity
Fruit and vegetable labels- add correct label to picture, interactive activity from Crickweb
Smart Notebook- Healthy Me (arrow down page to download Notebook from School Libraries and Information Literacy website)
sorting living and non-living things- clicking and dragging pictures into correct columns, First School Years website
label body parts, interactive activities, students can hear words being read aloud before labelling, Crickweb site
adult and baby animals- interactive activities from Crickweb
adult and baby animals quiz from Crickweb- answer the questions to reach the stars!
Life cycles- many interactive resources from Everyschool website
historical photos of Kempsey- from Kempsey Shire Council website
Toys of the past and toys of today- from Topics Magazine online site
How toys have changed- interacive activity from Topmarks website
My Place ABC website- interactive website: explore the house at different dates, see how the rooms have changed using timeline
Animal farm movie, Sheppard software movie.
Create an animal farm, Sheppard Software interactive game.
Life cycles movie, Sheppard Software movie.
Sheppard Software's life cycles interactive activities.
Forces- many interactive resources and activities from Everyschool website
The Cobb & Co Coach- interactive activity from National Museum of Australia
transport labelling- click and drag to add correct label, Crickweb site
I have Fun with Faces- jigsaws, song, story, interactive activities from DET CLI website
Sorting Living Things - interactive site by Crickweb where students classify animals and plants in sorting activities- arrow down to "Variation" and click on image.
Ourselves- interactive activities and resources from Everyschool website
Body parts- interactive labelling activity from Crickweb site
Label the Face- drag words to make labelled picture, from
Birthday Calendar Notebook to download- The COGs connection focus is: developing an understanding of who we are by exploring what we have in common with others, and what is unique. How we express ourselves and communicate with others is part of our identity and reflects our culture.
Needs and Wants:
Healthy food- many resources from Everyschool website
Sorting living and non-living things- clicking and dragging pictures into correct columns, First School Years website
Grouping animals and plants- also legs and no legs, and how they move- Crickweb
What do humans need to keep healthy?- animation from BBC Bitesize, also other resources
Bob the Builder website- activities, games etc
Our Needs- Who Does What? link to Smart Notebook to download, about people who help us
plant needs- notebook lesson, from Smart exchage
animal needs- notebook lesson, from Smart exchange
(Updated 19/01/16)