The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- number and algebra
- measurement and geometry
- statistics and probability.
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) site- Mathematics syllabus
Scootle Mathematics page- outcomes for Maths, activities and resources to achieve those outcomes (need to be logged in through DET portal)
School A to Z website- resources about Maths for parents and students
Board of Studies- Mathematics website- Board of Studies NSW Mathematics Support Documents, Syllabus, Work Samples and Supporting Students with Special Needs
ABC Splash- many maths resources, organised by topics etc
Maths Dictionary for Kids- Jenny Eather website, an animated, interactive online maths dictionary for students which explains over 600 common mathematical terms and maths words.
Primary Resources- free worksheets, lesson plans and teaching ideas
Maths is Fun- Maths explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents
Coolmath-Games- Maths games
Crickweb Numeracy resources- Maths interactive resources and activities
Everyschool- Maths resources
BBC Bitesize- clips about Maths concepts and topics for Infants students, also Primary students
Links to websites and activities in CLI Sites2See:
Number for Primary
Space and Geometry
Measurement Matters
Patterns and Algebra
(Updated 18/01/16)