As well as resources on main HSIE page, other resources are:
Harmony Day:
Harmony Day- official website
Teacher Resources- Harmony Day website, also student information
Christmas links on KWPS website
Chinese New Year:
Chinese New Year- information about celebrations, food, decorations etc
Chinese New Yearon Enchanted Learning website
NAIDOC Week– official website
Anzac Day
Anzac Day and Remembrance Day on KWPS website
Sparklebox- information about many different celebrations
Celebrations- from ABC Splash website
Growing and Changing:
Life cycles- resources from Everyschool website
Plant life cycles- from Hwb website
Plant growth- what plants need to grow, from Hwb
Life cycles- activities to complete life cycle of frog and human from Hwb site
Label body parts, Crickweb site, also Adult and baby animals , Adult and baby animals quiz and Young animals crossword
Historical photos of Kempsey- from Kempsey Shire Council website
Old toys and new toys- activity from Bedford Museum, also photos of toys
My Grandmother's Toybox- online story from Museum Victoria, also Toys Now and Then
Toys of the past and toys of today- from Topics Magazine online site
Picasso's bulls- shows how abstract picture of bull develops, from University of Calgary website
Mr Picassohead- create your own Picasso portrait
Frog activities and worksheets, from DLTK website
Frogs at Enchanted Learning
Frog Lifecycle and Growth resources from Sparklebox
Local Places:
Google map of West Kempsey- look at the school using Streetview
A walk around West Kempsey- information from Macleay River Historical Society
Scootle- playground rules interactive activity
Playground Safety, from Kidsafe NSW
Your Rules- in the park- Scootle interactive activity
Your rules- in the supermarket, also from Scootle
Road Safety- Kidsafe NSW
Ollie's World- interactive activities about recycling etc
Living with the land- Gami's Place- in Caring for Place, Caring for Country
Aboriginal maps of NSW from A Shared History website
Dunghutti- information from Wikipedia
Products and Services:
the story of milk- from
apples- how Batlow apples grow
Fruit- from Fresh for Kids website, click on each fruit and there is information about types, where it is grown and harvested, etc
Vegetables- from Fresh for Kids website- click on name of each vegetable to see information about growing and processing
Fresh food- kids games, from Fresh for kids website
From paddock to plate- ABC Splash resource
Smart Notebook- How is Bread Made?- link to site to download Notebook for IWB (click on Stage 1), also Healthy Choices notebook.
Where do my meals come from?- Interactive activity from British Nutrition Foundation website
Videos about Farming from British Nutrition Foundation website- Cheese making, From Wheat to BreadGrowing Potatoes, Milking Fruit and Vegetable harvesting, , Where Does It Come from? Plant or Animal?Plants growing and being harvested
Powering On:
Everyschool Science resources about forces, pushing and pulling, lots of resources
The electricity book- looking at simple circuits, with activities
Energy Quest- information and activities from California Energy Commission
Everyschool- interactive activities about energy
Our Stories:
historical photos of Kempsey- from Kempsey Shire Council website.
Create books using Storybird and and My Story Maker from Carnegie Library- use to create books together.
Smart Notebooks to download- go to the tab for Stage 1, where there are 3 Notebooks:
- Passing Time
- Toys, Toys, Toys
- Transport then and now
Caring for Place, Caring for Country- DET
Shearing the Rams by Tom Roberts
Also IWB Notebooks about Kempsey Heritage, History of KWPS in Library, with stories about school from former students (created for sesquicentenary)
Timelines can be created in Smart Notebook software
Cobb and Co Coach- interactive website, comparisons between then and now transport.)
Toys of the past and toys of today- from Topics Magazine online site
My Place ABC website- interactive website: explore the house at different dates, see how the rooms have changed using timeline
Our Families:
Family traditions and family tree- Smart Notebook
Mem Fox- Smart Notebook with videos of stories
My Family- Scootle resource
Written history- Skwirk resource
Getting Along:
Community helpers resources from Enchanted Learning- includes activities, worksheets, craft
People who help us- teaching resources from Sparklebox, including banners, posters, worksheet
(Updated 19/01/16)